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The railway minister took home a cash prize of 1 crore

Talking the talk: Shah Rukh Khan and Lalu Prasad Yadav

The set of Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hai was full of excitement and
anticipation on Thursday. The grand finale episode of Season One was
shot with guest celebrities Laloo Prasad Yadav, Priyanka Chopra and
Harman Baweja.


A source reveals that Shah Rukh was pretty upbeat and eager to meet the
railway minister, “SRK was heard talking days before about the finale
episode. He always enjoyed Laloo’s one-liners and his witty sense of
humour and now he was finally getting to grill him.”

Apparently, Laloo stunned everyone with his razor-sharp responses.
“When SRK said he was a fan of Laloo because of his intellect and
political wisdom, Laloo replied saying he was SRK’s airconditioner!
Interestingly, he didn’t use anycheat option from any of the students
ready to help him.”

Laloo hit the one crore jackpot and
donated his winnings to a railway charitable organisation. “He gave
many insights about his school days and loved the concept of the show
because of the educative angle.”